Registration Details:

Kush Bohra
Type of Registration
Registration number
Malad-West, Mumbai-400064
Correspondng SEBI Office
SEBI Bhavan II BKC ; Address : Plot no. C-7, ‘G’ Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra(E), Mumbai – 400051, Maharashtra
Contact Person Name Address where the physical address location Contact No. Email-ID Working hours when complainant can call
Kush Bohra Mumbai +91-8779956009 9:00 AM – 04:00 PM
Head of Customer Care NA NA NA NA
Compliance Officer NA NA NA NA
Principal Officer NA NA NA NA


The information and views & all the services provided are believed to be reliable, but I do not accept any responsibility (or liability) for errors of fact or opinion. I have the right to suggest the product/s that suits as per the risk profiling of the clients. I am registered with SEBI as Registered Investment Adviser Mr. Kush Bohra (Registration Number: INA000008525). Investments in equity shares and commodity have their own risks. Sincere efforts have been made to present the right investment perspective. The information contained herein is based on analysis and on sources that we consider reliable. I, however, do not vouch for the accuracy or the completeness thereof. This material is for personal information and I am not responsible for any loss incurred due to it & take no responsibility whatsoever for any financial profits or loss which may arise from the recommendations above. This does not purport to be an invitation or an offer to buy or sell any financial instrument. All clients (Paid Or Unpaid), Any third party or anyone else have no rights to forward or share our advice and inputs or Reports or Any Information Provided by us to/with anyone which is received directly or indirectly by them. If found so then Serious Legal Actions shall be taken. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. I accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss or damage arising from any use of any information in this website. I, my affiliate members, their directors and employees and their relatives and members of my family have or may have an outstanding position or holding in the securities recommended. Investments in equity and equity related securities involve a high degree of risks and the Clients should not place funds to invest unless they can afford to take the risk on their investment. Investors may note that markets are volatile in the short-term and their investments might experience high volatility including the possibility of going negative events. Clients are expected to maintain stop-losses according to their entry points and risk profiles. To counter the risks stated above, we assume investors are putting only that portion of their assets into markets for which they can assume higher risks. Investing in small and mid caps stocks have high impact costs due to low liquidity. This might affect the ability to quickly take action on our recommendation at the stated price. Concentrated portfolios might experience higher volatility compared to diversified ones. There could be a loss of data or delay in dissemination of updates due to technical glitches like a server failure and hacking attack. I/We shall not be responsible in such an event. Opinions & views expressed should be solely considered as information & educational content and not as investment advice. I/We are not liable for losses (if any ) incur out of investment activities done from the client. Future performance of old recommendations might vary from past results. Investors are not being offered any guaranteed or assured returns; neither the principal nor appreciation on the investments. I/We are neither responsible nor liable for any losses resulting from the investments. Responsibility of taking investment decisions, buy/sell transactions is solely at the discretion of clients, and I/We do not bear any responsibility for the consequences.


Clients authorize the adviser to send informative updates (notifications) on my registered mobile number and email address. By signing this form/clicking on this link or any of its associate/group sites, you have read, understood and agree to be legally bound by the terms of the above disclaimer and user agreement.

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